February 11, 2009

India's GDP to grow 7.1% in this recession

It is a quixotic nation. Rich among the poor with plenty in the midst of famine. The tiniest of shopkeepers has a mobile phone, but an automatic key duplicating machine? Whoever heard of that.

I found this gentleman, dressed in spotless white, the embroidered shawl around his neck, duplicating keys the old fashioned way. A pair of calipers in hand, he measured the original, marked it on his blank and then filed away. His vice, his tools and his enormous collection of blanks he carried around in his portble toolbox. All the while I was there he did not take his eyes off his work even once.

For Robert:

1 comment:

robert said...

yes! i read this, i look at the photos, and i want more. what do the blanks look like? how long does it take him to finish a key? how much would he get paid for that work?

all that, and he's immaculate, too. i like him. i want to have coffee, or chai, with him. or what is it they call the cart food again? daal? i want me some of that. with him, too, sure, but he's becoming optional as i get hungry. ;)